Brand Identity

Brand identity


Brand identity is the visual and verbal expression of a brand that identifies and differentiates the brand in the minds of consumers

Main components:

Brand identity consists of eight components:

Company name:

Choosing a name for the company is a sensitive matter. A valuable business name should be short, easy to spell and pronounce, and meaningfully represent the company. In contrast, weak brands often have long and confusing names.


It is one of the most visible and recognizable components of the brand. A logo has three main functions: it helps identify the brand, differentiates the brand, and helps customers remember the brand. Generally, logos include two elements: a name and a symbol, but some logos can be free of symbols.


Not all companies have a tagline, and the use of taglines is useful in four cases: to clarify the company’s performance, to express an important feature, to express the brand’s position, and to help customers remember the brand.

Color Palette:

Colors are a vital tool to differentiate the brand and give the company a mood. Although one color often plays a dominant role, most brands use a combination of two or three colors.


The choice of font or typeface is important to convey brand identity. The spacing between letters, the modern or traditional look of the font, and the use of several types of fonts are important decisions companies make to establish the storyline of their brand.

Graphical Elements:

Some brands use graphic elements to provide a distinct and recognizable look.


The use of images by brands to present their identity can attract or disappoint customers, or have no effect. Therefore, choosing the right images to differentiate the brand is crucial, as unsuccessful use of images can lead to inattention and lack of interest from customers.


Brand identity also includes verbal elements. The tone, whether it is friendly or formal, serious or fun, and other moods can be conveyed to the audience through written and spoken voice.

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